Should You Get Travel Insurance? 10 Things to Consider
Everyone dreams about going on their next vacation. It’s a chance to get away from life’s daily stresses and just have fun. It’s also a costly endeavor that can result in financial loss if something goes wrong. Here’s what to consider before traveling and why travel insurance is such an important investment.
1. It Could Guarantee a Refund
Do you need travel insurance? When everything falls into place and your vacation is right around the corner, you might not think anything will go wrong. Still, canceled flights happen all the time. In 2019, airlines canceled over 59,000 flights across the country. Travel insurance could guarantee a full refund if things go sideways.
2. It Replaces Lost Luggage
Airlines can lose your luggage for various reasons, and sometimes it can’t be recovered. Travel insurance accounts for the full value of whatever you bring on a trip so you can replace it all if needed. It could save the day if you’re traveling for work and lose your laptop or phone. You’ll only be a quick drive from the nearest electronics store to get new tech and download your last backup from the cloud.
3. It Covers What You Bring
Insuring your luggage covers whatever you bring on a trip, including expensive belongings like your wedding ring or an heirloom necklace. It’s helpful to have a backup plan for things you can’t afford to replace with your current income and remember that your possessions at home require personal belongings or homeowners insurance. Finding the right plan depends on the items’ value, so researching that total figure is crucial in learning how to prepare before traveling.
4. It Pays for Airlifts
Protecting your health is another reason you should get travel insurance. If your public transportation gets in an accident or you’re injured while on vacation, it will pay for an emergency airlift to the nearest hospital. Without insurance, the hospital could charge you nearly $50,000 or more if the cost of jet fuel and the distance rack up fees.
5. It May Postpone Your Trip
If the unthinkable happens and you lose a loved one just before leaving for vacation, hotels and airlines may not allow you to postpone your trip. Travel insurance makes that more likely. It could even require a specific timeline for when you can reschedule your travels, forcing companies to work with you in your time of need.
6. It Reduces Hospital Bills
Airlifts aren’t the only expensive hospital bill you might have to pay while on vacation. If you get the flu, you might need an urgent care clinic that charges hundreds of dollars to schedule time with a doctor and prescribe essential medication. It’s a good idea to get a travel insurance plan so you don’t have to pay off medical bills alone.
7. It Allows for Early Return Flights
Questioning if you need travel insurance could delay the purchase of crucial coverage. You might leave town without it and require an early return flight home because of a family emergency. Sometimes airlines won’t exchange tickets to allow for earlier flights than what people initially booked. Your insurance could make it much easier to find a flight home when you need to see a loved one in need.
8. It Covers Destination Damages
You can’t wait to visit a specific theme park or serene island getaway, but what happens if a natural disaster or local emergency prevents that from happening? Some travel companies call those events “acts of God” and don’t refund or reschedule tickets because they’re unpredictable. Travel insurance fills in that gap so you can get your money back if you have to cancel or delay your trip.
9. It Provides Peace of Mind
Life can throw unpredictable curveballs. No one wants to lose hundreds or thousands of dollars. You should get travel insurance just for the peace of mind it provides. You may not use it, but it will have your back if you need help. You’ll get more enjoyment from your trip when you’re not worrying about what could go wrong.
10. It Eliminates the Unknown
You might feel confident that nothing will go wrong, but the future is full of unknowns. You could miss your connecting flight at the last moment or get stuck in traffic on your way to a big event. Nothing will stop you from having fun during every moment of your vacation if you know you’ll get reimbursed if plans fall apart.
Consider Getting Travel Insurance
Now that you know what to consider before traveling, reflect on your vacation budget and get quotes for travel insurance. It could save the day if you need to get your money back. You’ll feel free to schedule whatever trip you want to take because you’ll get everything you’ll pay for.