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Destination: Namibia
Travel Style: Classic Expedition
Activity Level:  • • 3 • •
Group Size: Min 10, Max 20
Age Range: 18 to 65+

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Itinerary Overview

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About the workshop: "As we travel our planet, we become more aware of the impacts that tourism brings to certain natural areas and local communities. As conscious lifestyle advocates, we believe we can always choose more sustainable and ethical ways to travel and to live. Our workshops will not only be based on teaching how to be more mindful of your choices, but mostly sharing, and learning all together, about our strengths, personal power, and values, using them to make positive impacts on the world and to find real happiness. Through group dynamics, yoga/meditation practices, creative arts, and mastermind sessions, we explore our own being, empowering ourselves and each other to make changes and be the change."

— Patricia and Miguel of freeoversea

Day 1: USA / Windhoek
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Arrival Airport: Windhoek International Airport (WDH)

Welcome to Namibia! After you have cleared customs and immigration, your driver will greet you and take you to your hotel. You’ll spend the afternoon getting to know Namibia with a guided tour of Windhoek. Your guide will also give you an introduction to Southern Africa and the experiences we’ll have throughout the next week.

At the end of the day, we’ll settle down for a traditional Namibian welcome dinner.

Accommodation: Campsite

Day 2: Namib-Naukluft National Park and Sossuvlei
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After a delicious breakfast, we’ll depart for our tour of Namib-Naukluft National Park and the towering Sossuvlei sand dunes. We’ll travel over the breathtaking Eros Mountains and along scenic roads leading southeast into the desert. In the afternoon, we’ll arrive at the staggering, fiery sand dunes of the Namib, just as the afternoon sun reflects dancing colors on the mountains to the east. We will spend the afternoon visiting the Sossuvlei dunes and Deadvlei with our guide. In the evening, we’ll travel to our incredible safari camp, allowing us to be one with nature as we enjoy traditional food and marvel at the star-filled sky.

Accommodation: Desert Campsite / SNWR Sesriem Campsite, Mobile (Camping) Safari Tents

Day 3: Sossuvlei and Sesriem
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We’ll eat an early breakfast so we can catch the quiet splendor of a desert sunrise. Before the sun comes up, we’ll head into the heart of the dune field, reaching Sossuvlei for landscape and wildlife photo opportunities, capturing dawn’s soft light as it illuminates the dunes before blazing orange everywhere. We’ll climb the famed Dune 45 before eating lunch, then go on a short excursion to Sesriem Canyon. We’ll marvel at another stunning desert sunset, then spend the night under the shining stars of the Southern Hemisphere.

Accommodation: Desert Campsite / SNWR Sesriem Campsite, Mobile (Camping) Safari Tents

Day 4: Swakopmund
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We’ll enjoy a relaxed breakfast at the lodge before departing for Swakopmund. This city’s palm-lined streets, seaside promenades, and fine accommodations make it Namibia’s most popular holiday destination.

We’ll eat lunch at the famous Solitaire coffee shop, and you’ll have the afternoon to explore the coastal town, try out extreme sports in the nearby sand dunes, or laze on the beach.

Accommodation: Amanpuri Lodge - Mobile (Camping) Safari Tents

Days 5 and 6: Skeleton Coast and Namibian Safari
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On Day Five, we’ll enjoy a tasty breakfast in camp as we prepare to journey to the Skeleton Coast and Damaralnd. After we’ve eaten our fill, we’ll continue our journey north along the eerie Skeleton Coast, scattered with the wreckage of ships that got caught in the fog. In the afternoon, we’ll venture into the Namibian savanna on private safari Jeeps and spend the next two days being mesmerized by glorious landscapes. We’ll search numerous water holes and plains for wildlife, including lions, cheetahs, elephants, hyenas, and giraffes. We’ll enjoy delicious meals cooked by the camp chef and fall asleep to the sounds of lions and elephants in the distance.

Accommodation: Erindi/Okonjima Mobile (Camping) Safari Tents

Day 7: Namibia / USA
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After enjoying one last breakfast in camp, we’ll check out of our camp and travel to Windhoek International Airport by private bus.

Departure Airport: Windhoek International Airport (WDH)

Trip Inclusions

  • Travel Style: Classic

  • Service Level: Standard (comfortable and clean accommodations; public and private transport)

  • Route: Windhoek, Namib-Naukluft National Park, Swakopmund, Skeleton Coast, Erindi/Okonjima

  • Accommodation: Safari camps

  • Meals Included: Three meals per day

This Acanela Expedition © is the perfect fusion between comfort and adventure. Embark on this small-group exploration and have hands-on encounters with local peoples and cultures, while experiencing all the historical and culinary highlights along the way.

About Freeoversea

Visit Patricia and Miguel’s Website >

Visit Patricia and Miguel’s YouTube Channel >

“We’re roaming the planet, on a constant journey to find home on earth. We studied sociocultural community development and creative arts, but we didn't want it to have only a local impact, but make it a global one. So we quit our jobs to travel the world while making authentic connections, spreading global awareness, and empowering people to have positive impacts on the world. We believe that traveling awakens us to the real world, allowing us to explore the surroundings and to look within our true self. As earth lovers, what we stand for is what we stand on: planet, people, and animals.”

— Patricia and Miguel of freeoversea

Dates & Prices

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From $2,500 per person | All-inclusive package including accommodation for all nights; in-country transport by private bus, train, or flight; lecture and instruction materials from our expert guides; all activities; and three meals per day. *International airfare not included.

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Frequently Asked Questions

+ What do I need to pack for this trip to Namibia?

You should bring your own towel, flashlight, light-colored clothing (including long-sleeved shirts and long pants), hat, sunscreen and sun protection wear, personal items, close-toed shoes, open-toed shoes, socks, insect repellent, personal medical kit, camera, and binoculars.

+ What kind of camping equipment is provided?

The provided camping equipment will include sleeping bags, pillows, sheets, and a ground mattress. We can arrange for a cot or stretcher for an additional fee.

+ Are there showers on this trip to Namibia?

Yes, all the campsites have ablution blocks with clean showers and toilets. All the campsites have clean bathrooms and running water, and all bathrooms are cleaned daily.

+ Can I drink the water in Namibia?

Please do not drink the water in Namibia; we find this has rather negative side effects with the majority of foreign visitors. Each client will receive a complimentary water bottle from our local guides, and the guides will have water containers to refill the individual bottles as necessary.

+ I'm a solo traveler — will I be charged a single supplement?

We can and do accommodate solo travelers, but we will add a single supplement charge to your total payment.

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