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Rostom, the Wise Wanderer in Fez

Picture yourself as a child, running wildly through the winding, narrow alleyways of a famously romantic city that is frozen in time. The connected rooftops of the houses allow you to jump from one neighborhood to another, and the old, twisting streets provide ample spots to play hide and seek with your friends. The small, secret alleys that you dash through are filled with bustling markets, tapestries of local artisans, and the familiar smells of sweet spices and herbs. 

This was Rostom’s childhood—running and playing with his friends and siblings in the mazes of alleys and rooftops of his home: the mystical, medieval city of Fez, Morocco. Growing up in the second largest city in Morocco (and the only city in the country that doesn’t allow cars!), Rostom quickly learned the ins and outs of the famously warped streets of Fez. As the son of an historian and a tour guide, Rostom had the unique opportunity from a very young age to soak up the rich history and culture of the city that has inspired great artists, scholars, and writers for centuries. Even today, Rostom’s favorite hobby is still wandering the streets of Fez, discovering the history of the best hidden spots, and sharing those discoveries with travelers from all walks of life. As he reflects on his life, he shares, “My most influential experiences are being with travelers who love my town and have stayed here forever.” 


So, it is no wonder that Rostom followed in his father’s footsteps and became a tour guide himself. Now, a typical day for Rostom involves doing exactly what he loves: guiding visitors through the winding streets that he knows so well, telling stories of the past, and talking about the strong community of Fez’s citizens. 

A dedicated father of three, Rostom now watches as his own children chase each other through these narrow alleyways and rooftops of the city he loves. When Rostom ponders his future goals in life, he reveals that they are, in fact, very simple, “I want to invest in my kids’ studies and give them the best education.” In his personal life, he reveals, “My goal is to be helpful, knowledgeable, at ease, and have a smiling face in all circumstances, and I want to share all of my best characteristics with my clients.” 

Take a tour through the imperial city of Fez with Rostom, and you will undoubtedly leave with a richer, deeper appreciation of all that Morocco has to offer!

Join us on our small group tour to Morocco! Few countries hold as much dreamy fascination as Morocco. Desert fortresses rise out of the sands of the Sahara. Sapphire oceans caress white sandy beaches. The purple peaks of the Atlas Mountains glisten with snow. Morocco is a land of endless wonder!