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My Journey From Travel Enthusiast to Travelpreneur

7 Steps to Monetize Your Passion

What is your dream? Your passion? Have you ever considered that that dream could become your livelihood? The key to monetizing your dream is understanding your story and your passion. Through traveling all over the world, I gained many deep insights that became part of my personal brand-building journey.

I want to go through 7 steps in my journey that helped me turn my passion into the company it is today.

  1. One of the biggest lessons I learned was to not be afraid of adapting and pivoting. You might have in your mind a clear vision of what you think your personal brand is. This company began by selling spices and recipes. Throughout this, I was pushed by several people close to me to start exploring travel. After experiencing success in this, I and my company both went through a change in branding. I shifted my own image from international cooking and spice expert to travel enthusiast and expert. The company brand followed suit, slowly becoming a trusted and recognized provider in authentic travel experience. Don’t be afraid to take opportunities as they come to you, they have the potential to become part of your story and change who you are.

  2. Pinpoint Your Purpose! As you think about powerful brands and people you know in your personal life with a strong brand, what does this brand line up with? Often times a slogan, a mantra, a daily motivating phrase that drives them. Pinpoint your purpose! Who are you in a sentence? What do you stand for? As soon as you can identify a concise purpose that defines you it will start to permeate your presence both in-person and digitally. Everyone will begin to associate you and your company with your purpose.

  3. Fail Hard and Fail Fast! Don’t wait until your product is perfect! Don’t be afraid to go out and give it a try. Test your product or your ideas. Be bold in introducing them and get ready for the lessons that come from failure! Be proud of your failures, the process will refine and focus your ideas into a real sustainable business.

  4. Grit! You might think your dreams and your ideas are amazing, and they probably are! But the rest of the world doesn’t know that yet. Be prepared to work your way to make those dreams a reality. You can monetize them, it just takes work and patience!

  5. Build a Community! On all my trips throughout the world, I have come across many diverse and unique communities! One of which is the people in Papua New Guinea. They appear fierce, with crocodile scale skin markings, wood masks, and bodies covered in white mud! As I got to know them, I learned to appreciate the culture, the love for family, and the beliefs and lifestyles that unite them. My point is, there are unique and diverse communities all around the world! You can start building your own with your loyal customers and believers. Your dream will attract others, customers will come to you in the early stages of your growth, listen to what they have to say! Nurture them until they are loyal, learn from their criticism, don’t lash out, and start your community! Your dream will be what connects the diverse members of your client community.

  6. Find good Mentors! Talk to those who have gone before you. There are so many people who have turned their dreams and passions into their lives. They are treasure troves of experience, advice, and connections. Go to conferences, events, and reach out to people! Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Identifying solid mentors to rely on will lead you to success.

  7. You Can’t Do it Alone! Similar to the last one, don’t try and do this alone! Chances are there are others who share your dream and passion. They will be able to help you see the different facets of making that dream become reality, they can provide valuable perspective, insight, and skill to your venture. You are the sum of the 5 people you spend the most time with, so be sure to surround yourself with talented individuals who challenge you, push you, and who share in your dream!
