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Traveling With a Guide vs Self Guided

Traveling With a Guide vs Self Guided

An age-old question when it comes to traveling is “Should I go on a guided tour” vs. “Should I travel self-guided.” I have traveled both on guided tours and self-guided and I can honestly say there are pros and cons to each style. Personal preference, budget, and destination all can play a role in the decision process, so let’s take a look at when you would choose one type of travel over the other.

Seniors Travel to Egypt

Seniors Travel to Egypt

Egypt is a country that awakens the imagination. What comes to mind for you—floating down the Nile, Pharaoh Tutankhamun and the ancient tombs, scarabs (famous beetle image) or sphinxes guarding ancient pyramids? Maybe your images tend more to pop culture of Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton in “Cleopatra” or the more modern films series “Indiana Jones.” Whatever the pictures that come to mind, Egypt is a country of ancient history, civilizations, delicious culinary dishes and adventures for senior travelers.