9 Women, 9 Cities, 9 Lessons Learned
I just finished one of my favorite trip experiences of the year - an incredible 7-day expedition with 9 incredible women to Morocco. This trip I was joined by: Preethi, Sangita, Meghan, Emily, Srujana, Rashi, Gillian, Brenna, and Reggie.
These 9 incredible women are doing amazing things in the world and I learned so much by spending a week with them and exploring a stunning country. While you may not have had the chance to join us this round, let me share with you some of the things I learned from these incredible Girlboss women in Morocco:
1. Exploration is Innovation
Many of the girls in our group had never been to Morocco, and as we saw how people lived, worshipped, ate and loved - our eyes were opened to new ways to approach challenges and opportunities. Your learn new ways to innovate when you explore.
2. Life takes Grit
Life will throw many punches and obstacles your way and some can knock you right off your feet (like jetlag when you step off a 14-hour flight). You can persevere through almost anything so long as you have enough grit and passion to fuel you!
3. Understand your Purpose
Learning the history, culture, and traditions of people around the world helps us to understand them better and motivates us to seek out our purpose in life. Lifelong goals can lead to lifelong outcomes when it is anchored in a purpose - understand it!
4. Failure is necessary
Little did people know that Rome tried to Conquer Morocco many years ago over and over again, and they failed each time. While I’m sure defeat wasn’t the objective - we learn a lot more from our failures than we do our successes - so fail daily! It is okay.
5. Find a mentor
Having someone to rely on who has walked your road ahead of you is an incredible resource. With anything in life - learn to rely on those who have gone ahead of you and learn all you can from them.
6. Be vulnerable
While on this trip we decided to visit a traditional Moroccan Bathhouse with the local women; traditional means no swimsuits or covering and no judgement. Throw your insecurities aside and embrace yourself.
7. Get out of your Comfort Zone
Great things never come from staying comfortable. It is at the edge of your comfort that you learn and grow. Kind of like stepping on a plane to fly over 10,000 miles to travel with a group of women you hardly know.
8. You can’t do it alone
If you know me - I’m a LONE WOLF in how I work, but what I’ve realized is that you can only get so far on your own. You need people and you need a pack.
9. Build a Community
Spending a week hanging out with such incredible women gave me new friends and mentors to turn to… over the years I’ve become obsessed with Peer to Peer learning because I’ve seen it completely change the way I travel, the way I grow my business, and the way I approach my life.
So the next time you are stuck in life, that career change, or you just don’t know what’s next… take a Girlboss Trip to a foreign country you’ve never visited before and take a moment to learn from those around you - it can completely change your perspective on life!
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