Acanela Expeditions CEO Wins Two 40 Under 40 Honors in 2019 — Acanela Expeditions
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Acanela Expeditions CEO Wins Two 40 Under 40 Honors in 2019

[Lehi, Utah] The year is only halfway over, but Acanela Expeditions founder and CEO Kylie Chenn has already won two 40 Under 40 distinctions in 2019.

Utah Business, the leading magazine for Utah-based entrepreneurs and executives, conferred the 40 Under 40 honor on Chenn in February. In late June, Utah Valley Business Quarterly announced that Chenn figured among its own 40 Under 40 class of 2019.

Both publications lauded Chenn for the way that Acanela Expeditions organizes immersive travel experiences and elevates communities in foreign countries. The company consistently works with artisans to teach its guests about culture, cuisine, art, ecology, wildlife and more, an initiative that simultaneously provides a steady revenue stream to individuals and families living far from Utah.

At age 26, Chenn has already visited more than 100 countries, venturing to several of them for the first time this year. Acanela Expeditions has also introduced many new tours in 2019 (including expeditions to Uzbekistan and Turkey), meaning that the travel agency now operates in well over 100 countries.

As Chenn recently told Utah Valley Business Quarterly, her ultimate objective is to operate tours and have personal friends in every country around the world.

It’s a lofty goal, but Chenn has already accomplished so much — and she’s still 14 years away from her 40th birthday.

ABOUT ACANELA EXPEDITIONS: Acanela Expeditions is a U.S.-based travel agency that specializes in experiences, people and culture. Kylie Chenn founded Acanela Expeditions in 2015 after spending a semester in Europe. While abroad, she learned met incredibly talented individuals, or artisans, with stories that deserved to be shared. She created Acanela Expeditions to provide others with the opportunity to meet and learn from these artisans personally. Acanela Expeditions has nearly 100 tours worldwide and continues to explore unique countries to add to their offered locations. For more information, visit
