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Packing Guide: Uzbekistan

Packing Guide: Uzbekistan

So you’ve decided to go on a trip to Uzbekistan. You have the adventure of a lifetime on the horizon, and the only thing standing in your way now is to pack your bags and head out the door. But... What do you pack for a trip to Uzbekistan? Let us help you with that! Keep reading for the definitive list of what you should pack for your ultimate expedition through Uzbekistan!

Destination Guide to Uzbekistan

Destination Guide to Uzbekistan

The name Uzbekistan carries with it an air of mystery. During our trip along the Silk Road, I was amazed to discover that three of the Silk Road’s most important cities lie in Uzbekistan: Khiva, Bukhara, and Samarkand. These cities were key stops for traders passing by with their caravans and camels loaded with silk, spices, and other items. Today, Uzbekistan is opening up to tourists — but get here quick, because this country is poised on the edge of mass tourism!

Why You Should Add Central Asia to Your Bucketlist

If you had asked me few years ago about Central Asia, my mind would have fumbled for country names; images of how a Central Asian city might look, thoughts about their local cuisine or even customs and clothing. But today, Central Asia is slowly coming into its own, and generating a rising awareness amongst travelers. Commonly referred to as the “Stans”, the countries that make up this region are Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan.

Top 9 Places to Visit in Uzbekistan | Travel Tips

Top 9 Places to Visit in Uzbekistan | Travel Tips

Before my trip many people asked me, is Uzbekistan a good place to visit? The answer is undoubtably Yes. Uzbekistan was possibly the most remarkable, underrated and surreal country I’ve ever visited. Most of the time I was there, I struggled to believe that anything I was seeing was real. The architecture there looked straight out of the most magical chapter of One Thousand And One Nights, and to do it justice, you really just have to see it for yourself.

Best Time to Visit Uzbekistan & The Silk Road | Top Travel Tips

Best Time to Visit Uzbekistan & The Silk Road | Top Travel Tips

The Silk Road is made up of the countries of Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, and Kazakhstan. This part of the world is full of unique culture, ancient history, and delicious cuisine. Here are a few of our top tips on the best time to visit, and everything you need to know before visiting Central Asia